27 Signs You are a Sensible Person & 84 Tips for Wisdom Living


In this article you will learn the following

-Definition of genuinely Sensible, Wise, Smart & Intelligent people

-27 Signs and checklist to know whether You are a Sensible or Irrational person

-84 Simple, Practical Immutable Tips on How to be sensible, wise, smart and intelligent

- Learn to identify 9 types of people -Develop the art of understanding people –observe their behavior patterns to identify people who are

-10 Signs you need to look for and pay attention to identify the danger signs when you need to take immediate corrective actions to prevent major loss, damage

-6 Actions-Decision-Choices triggered by your wisdom and sensibleness

Yes it is possible to become wise, sensible and matured by age at least theoretically – BUT - it is more of a concept than how we acquire it in real-life.

Our wisdom, sensibleness and emotional-maturity comes from our life's significant disruptive emotional events, failures, mistakes, blunders – as also from overcoming-odds, successes and triumphs..

But there is a caveat – by merely experiencing life-changing and course-altering events won't automatically make you wise and emotionally mature.

The real wisdom, maturity, presence of mind and common-sense-intelligence can only be acquired by consciously choosing to reflect deeply and objectively the entire chain of event – to understand multiple factors and causes that lead to and succeeded the event.

You can use your acquired wisdom ONLY when you are relatively calmer and are able to dissociate yourself emotionally from any disruptive event happening with you.

6 Actions-Decision-Choices triggered through your wisdom and sensibleness – these could mean you taking following acts

1.Waiting till you have got a reasonable control over your thought process and emotional turmoil AND then finding ways to bounce-back
2.Walking away from the situation/person OR
3.Completely ignoring the situation through the art of conscious dissociation OR
4.Laughing at the absurdity of the situation and the aftermath consequences of these disruptions OR
5.Tackling serious situation with wit and humor OR
6.Using this experience to help others who are struggling by being kind and supportive – to overcome your own sadness, hurt, loss etc.

Sensitive person are generally empathic, understanding and emotional people – what others do or say or what is happening to others - may impact them personally in powerful manner.

Sensible persons – on the other hand – have the personality, disposition and emotional-attitude of - looking objectively at the practical aspects of any given situation and getting back to the brass-tacks of exploring ways of how to solve the situation in more effective ways.

Sensible persons tend to create a balance between the various demands of other stakeholders while remaining objective, impartial and unbiased.

All of us without any exceptions – including the wisest of people – make mistakes, take wrong decisions, choose bad priorities, take incorrect actions and make big judgmental errors.

To become a wise and sensible person – you have to get into practice of – analyzing, reflecting and introspecting about what triggered that event – ONLY when you are in complete self-control and are emotionally calm.

And after understanding the situation reasonably well – you have to ask yourself - what you could have done differently PLUS how will you apply these insights in the future events. And also how you can make the best use of the options, possibilities and solutions available to you right now.

Sensibility is fragile and inconsistent– meaning - you could be wise in certain aspects and could come out as a perfect jackass in different situation and with different people.

Wisdom and sensibility neither can be compared so as to find who is more wise and sensible and smart and real-intelligent – NOR you can acquire it exactly in the same way - the wise persons you hold in high esteem acquired theirs.

One of most elementary element of wisdom and sensibility is – understanding the situation from widely different - angles and perspectives, exploring the options available, identifying practical-within-Your area-of-control solutions.

Wise and sensible people work on developing and maintaining - various safety nets – be it financial, social, relationship, profession and for other important factors.

Wisdom may not lead you to – major breakthroughs BUT you would be able to deal with most of the events that happens to you, effectively through using your wisdom and sensibleness by regularly sharpening this ability by using in real life situations.

Wisdom can also help you realize and understand that – the actions you took at any particular event was the best – that you saw at that time and also can prevent you from drowning in self-pity or berating yourself.

No one in this world can change their past – Therefore the Wise people of this world – turn their focus on how to use the learnings from their experiences to make enhance the quality of their life.

27 Signs and checklist to know whether You are a Sensible or Irrational person [Being Sensible could mean – many-many different things – a few of them are]

1. Having a practical straight forward approach
2. Having a very evolved level of common-sense
3. Having ability to look at things from multiple angles, perspectives and
4. Knowing what to pay attention to [which would be much lessor time] and knowing when to ignore – what others, say, think and do
5. Knowing your own strengths, weaknesses and strong suits
6. Using your strengths to the maximum whenever needed
7. Knowing when to give up and when to give your 100%
8. Continuing when you are in momentum till you are getting results of optimum levels of excellence
9. Operating from your area of control and influence only
10. Finding what is the smallest action you can take – even in the areas currently beyond your capabilities
11. Understanding your emotions and learning ways to manage your un-resourceful emotional-mental states
12. Managing your finances in balanced ways – among – investment, savings, insurance, expenses, giving to your impulses and relaxation plus learning
13. Looking for solutions even when you are getting hit from all directions
14. Accepting what you cannot change and taking actions on what you can change
15. Knowing your priorities well
16. Ability to say NO – when needed - in the most assertive, soft and firm manner
17. Knowing what makes you lose your control – learning techniques and practicing so as to strengthen your self-control
18. Focusing on self-care and also for those who are close to you
19. Accepting your mistakes and using this to develop solutions and processes which may help you avoid making these mistakes again or if you repeat them it gives you minimum damage
20. Not taking anything personally - what others might say or do
21. Understanding that for grand success – you have to help people around you - develop and grow
22. Learn to not get taken in by – Fake-news, Propaganda, Whataboutery, Cockwombleness, hypocrisy, Smart-alecks, scammers, fraudsters and false hope-givers
23. Being yourself all the time by being objectively honest about yourself
24. Avoiding show-off behaviors or putting a mask to try to become someone that you are not – only to satisfy your EGO
25. Cross checking and verifying the facts – before making your opinion and judgment
26. Sharpening and using your gut feelings/intuition in those situations – when things are opaque and not adequate information available BUT you must make the decisive action
27. Having ability to let go of – your – shame, guilt, embarrassment, resentment, thinking taking revenge & settle scores with others, self-pity and victim-mentality

84 Simple, Practical Immutable Tips on How to be sensible, wise, smart and intelligent

These tips are given randomly – and almost all of these can be easily implement – because many of the tips and suggestions are the one I have used in different situations and which have given positive outcomes.

All the one sentence tips given throughout this article – which needs elaborate action-steps – has detailed practical implementable do-it-yourself actions – among my 900+ blogs on my two websites and in 2000+ answers on my Quora page.

1. Never expect the world to be fair to you – tone-down your expectations from others
2. Choose the company where you are the least smart, experienced and knowledgeable person – THEN LEARN FROM EVERYONE
3. Never try to put false bravado – be comfortable in showing your vulnerabilities
4. Never mind looking foolish – ask questions till you are absolutely clear on what you want to know
5. Know your triggers – identify current stressors – create empowering and practical solutions to overcome them
6. Set Sensible Goals to Achieve Your Dreams – take actions on your goals on everyday basis – make it SMART
7. Develop long-term thinking abilities – accept that all your big-dreams will come through working as if it is a marathon – and not running and exhausting your energies as in a sprint
8. Focus on continuous growth and improvement – in every area of your life
9. Think through your goals and break them down into smaller chunks – to be able to take actions easily -create a timeline for your action steps - Make sure that you build in flexibility to make adjustments and improvisations
10. If you can – identify and live a minimalist life
11. Be a simple person – work on simplifying the complexities in your life - Find ways of doing things by thinking smarter and working harder for shorter time
12. If you are looking for success, happiness, wealth, recognition, good relationships and career/business growth – you have to follow the basics
13. Stop the feelings of enjoying gossip and spreading rumors – learn to ignore negative people with bad vibes towards you
14. Always be clear with your aim in life – ensure that no one tries to destroy them
15. Read read read a lot – meaningful, thought provoking and newer ideas triggering ones
16. Stop making excuses and blaming – instead choose to take responsibility and accountability for your life, your choices, your decisions your actions AND all the consequences of these
17. Stretch beyond your comfort zone by taking actions which will take you forward and towards your big picture – and if you fail which will happen frequently – just develop the mindset to get improvise and take action again
18. Become an action person – plan strategically YES – but take actions on what is important immediately
19. Identify, choose and use healthy behaviors, techniques and tools to manage your stress, anxiety, fears, anger, frustrations, irritations etc.– you may read 100+ articles on these in this website
20. Stop complaining – find and negotiate solutions
21. Make your life's focus on learning – unlearning – relearning
22. Take risks that you have analyzed for your ability to face in case you fail
23. Identify your role models who inspire and challenge you to do better and better – look for real successful people and not the FAKE Influencers
24. Identify toxic people in your life – get rid of them or avoid them or keep the interaction to the bare minimum needed
25. Stop trusting everyone easily and blindly – I have suffered and made my loved ones suffer miserably because of this habit
26. Develop the habit of fact-checking and verify – whatever others tell you
27. Learn to identify 9 types of people -Develop the art of understanding people –observe their behavior patterns to identify people who are
a. Fair-weather friends
b. Fake and fully self-centered
c. Manipulative and toxic
d. Who are trying to take advantage of you and those who are using you to satisfy their narcissistic agendas
e. Who are your real-well-wishers
f. Who love and accept you - for who you really are
g. Who show as if they are your friend BUT actually celebrate your falling down
h. Who are jealous and envious of you and always making plans to look bad
i. Who finds you as their role-model
28. Let me elaborate and qualify – I am not saying that you stop trusting people – you must trust people - but first make sure that they are real and have positive intents towards you and are trustable
29. Not every person in your life really cares about you or genuinely wants you to be happy and successful
30. You also need to think about yourself first and give priority to your loved ones – it is not about being self-centered
31. Learn to differentiate facts from fiction or a mask
32. Stop living in fantasy – face the reality and facts – that also means excepting the unpleasant fact or situation
33. Stop playing victim – when you are going through tough challenging phase of life – instead of feeling sorry for yourself – ask yourself how you can come out of this phase, what you need to do, what qualities and skills you need to practice
34. If you look at the past – focus on the victories that you got and the failures you overcame and the learnings that you can apply
35. Live in the present taking actions which helps you feel uplifted and takes you towards your future goals
36. Know when you are doing passive daydream stop engaging in wishful thinking
37. Be flexible and willing to let go of the life you were expecting and things don't turn out that way in your life – move on – accept the fact that you do not have as much control in life as you would like to have
38. Replace aimless - binge TV-watching, Internet surfing and social media
39. Develop the ability to discern – when you face certain situations where you can do nothing and may not any control or impact
40. Know that you can't change anyone – accepting that the only person you can influence is yourself [sometimes even this is impossible or tough]
41. Find out what you can do to manage – different situations and people effectively AND then practicing this till this becomes part of your nature
42. Find different effective ways to respond – to challenging situations and difficult people
43. Find the habits that enables you to succeed and get results – keep polishing them by using them regularly
44. Find which habits are causing impediment in various areas of your life making that area dysfunctional – THEN working on these to get rid of these habits of mind
45. Find out what types of short term gratifications are healthy and which you can use to reward yourself
46. Do not choose instant and quick-fix ways – on important projects – focus on long-term
47. Make self-care a top everyday priority
48. Mix realism with optimism to alter your expectations in a way to empower yourself
49. Practice different ways to strengthen your self-control to deal with impulsive behaviors which causes harm to you and your loved ones
50. Find alternatives to your habit of – binge-watching, binge-eating and binge-drinking etc.
51. For major projects and decision identify various worst case scenarios – and then build solution to deal with those if they happen
52. Find ways to help those who need it most but are unable to fend for themselves - to lift your mood and generating a feeling of wellbeing gratitude
53. Recall things that have gone right for you that day while lying on the bed waiting for sleep to come – for a relaxed sleep
54. Invest your time efforts and energy as well as money on making your loved ones LOVE, care, attention and time
55. Stop trying to become part of a herd – work on developing your unique strengths
56. Know when to remain silent and when to express your POVs – even if that goes against majority
57. Consciously choose ways which in long term would give maximum mileage – don't choose the easy or lazy option [except in case of things of insignificant importance]
58. Learn not to take anything personally – develop thick skin
59. Know what you like and what you don't like
60. Learn not to get influenced or persuaded by others to do something which does not add value you and your dreams – because it's your life and you have to live it according to your beliefs, needs, values, standards and parameters
61. Challenge your negative thought patterns when you find yourself falling into negative, melancholic and self-pity trap
62. Learn take charge when you are doing overthinking and overanalyzing and catastrophizing your situations
63. Stop judging and making your opinion about others instantly
64. If someone has harmed you AND they are not in your life – develop the habit of forgiving them for your own wellbeing
65. Get enough sleep, enough nourishing food, keep yourself hydrated
66. Play physical high energy games and sports
67. Keep your brain stimulated by regularly challenging it by accepting assignments which will propel your career and growth in other areas
68. Remain active and meaningfully engaged, involved and productive – ditch perfectionism
69. Take break and relax regularly
70. Surround yourself with kind people who love you and encourage you and are your real well-wishers – BUT never never relate your happiness with other's actions, behaviors and words
71. Learn ways to make you feel good – BY doing all the action tips given above to protect and nurture your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being
72. Learn various effective techniques to calm your mind – which in turn will make you more creative, more productive and more effective person
73. Use social-media sensibly and responsibly – avoid believing whatever is put on social-media as truth – because most of it is not – in case of important information FACT-CHECK first
74. Don't tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviors on social media – know when to block, report or take appropriate action
75. If you have to make a presentation or speak in an important event – create script and practice it till you can deliver it naturally76. Develop the habit of thinking before you speak
77. Learn to Dress simply yet elegantly78. Avoid arguments – you don't have to prove anything79. Identify and live a life of outstanding and clear values
80. Avoid people OR learn to deal with those who
a. Expect you to chase them for their time
b. Who cancel and reschedule appointments at the last minute
c. Who Schedule meetings and calls during lunch hour or after working hours
d. Who are loud and disruptive – who walk in late to meetings:
81. Respect others' time – try to be respectable and not likable
82. Develop the ability to discern which of your urges and goals are coming from instant gratification and short-term pleasures AND which one would create sustainable meaningful future for you
83. Become an expert and a thorough professional
84. 10 Signs you need to look for and pay attention to identify the danger signs when you need to take immediate corrective actions to prevent major loss, damage and crisis – by creating subconscious awareness by becoming aware of the for the PATTERNs [never on just one off situation] – know when you are
a. Getting irritated, frustrated, disturbed and upset easily
b. Losing your cool, becoming angry and losing your self-control when you should not – and say/do things that you regret later
c. Become anxious and are scared to take actions towards your own goals
d. Start enjoying gossip
e. Planning revenge and being consumed by negative thoughts
f. Getting distracted easily
g. Spending too much time on social media and phone
h.Compare yourself with others irrationally – like comparing your weaknesses with other's strengths
i. Feel happy not to go out and mix with others – want to remain alone
j. When you are feeling depressed, burned-out and melancholic

#howtobesensible, #howtoacquirepracticalwisdom, #signsofasensible&wiseperson, #howtomakewisedecisions, #makingsmartchoices, #howtounderstandpeople'sbehaviors, #definitionofwiseandsensibleperson, #spottingdangersignsinlife, #developingwisdomandgutfeelings, #acquiringpracticalwisdomforeverydaylife, #emotionalintelligenceforsensiblechoices, #logicalrationalsensibledecisionmaking, #powerofwise&sensiblechoices, #cultivatingsensiblebehavior&habits, #howtoidentifyandavoidimpulsivedecisions,

27 Signs You are a Sensible Person & 84 Practical Tips for Living with Wisdom

Unlock Your Inner Wisdom: How to Be Sensible in a Chaotic World

Sensible vs. Smart: The Surprising Key to Success (and Avoiding Disaster)

The Ultimate Guide to Sensible Living: 84 Tips to Make Wiser Choices

Unlock Your Inner Sage: How to Be Sensible and Make Wise Choices

Sensible vs. Reckless: The 27 Signs That Reveal Who You Are

84 Life Hacks for Smart People: Become Sensible, Wise, and Successful

Unleash Your Inner Sage: How to Be Sensible, Wise, and Make Great Choices

Sensible vs. Reckless: The Ultimate Guide to Making Smart Decisions

The Sensibility Checklist: 27 Signs You're on the Right Track (and 84 Tips to Get There!)

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Tired of making bad choices? Discover the secrets of sensible living with our actionable tips! Learn to identify sensible people, avoid danger signs, and make wise decisions for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Stop the impulsive actions! This guide unlocks the power of sensible living. Learn how to be wise, smart, and make decisions that benefit you in the long run.

Don't let emotions cloud your judgment! This guide equips you to identify sensible people, understand manipulative behavior, and make wise choices in all aspects of life.

Unleash your inner wisdom! Discover the secrets of being sensible, with clear definitions, self-assessment tools, and 84 practical tips to make wise choices, understand people, and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Learn to identify red flags, avoid impulsive behavior, and make decisions that lead to success. Become the sensible, insightful person you were meant to be!

Sick of making impulsive decisions? Discover the secrets to becoming a sensible, wise individual. Learn to identify red flags, understand people's behavior, and make smart choices that lead to success. 27 Signs, 84 Practical Tips, and More!

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