In this article, you will learn the following
Close the technology gap and become a technology trendsetter by using technology for its full potential – going from technology laggard to technology trendsetter
-72 actions on how to leverage the most relevant technologies to their fullest potential and how to become a great business leader as well as a technology trendsetter
-34 current uses of various technologies and tools – sample list – just to trigger ideas
-Types of people based on how they adopt and use the technology
-Why it is mandatory to become a new technology adopter
Individuals and businesses who adopt, adapt, and use the latest and the most relevant plus the most effective technologies – will beat – their competitors by big margins hands down.
One of the most important ways you can become an expert in using technology to its fullest potential is by training yourself to leapfrog.
Learning the concept of technology-leapfrogging, exploring the possibilities of how you can use the latest technologies in your own individual, professional, business, and social scenarios – without going through intermediary steps and skipping less efficient existing technologies -– How to leapfrog technologically for your business and individually, is my next blog topic.
The best way to leapfrog technically – is to identify the game-changing latest technologies that can give you 1st mover advantage – then implement that technology – by customizing, improvising, and improving this technology through innovation to suit your unique situation - to create a niche that gives you the advantage of the category leader.
China, Japan, the USA, as well as AFRICA – both governments as well as many global organizations, have set some of the best examples of technology leapfrogging.
You may discover that even those individuals who use the latest technical/digital tools - tend to use the new technologies and tools in very basic and inefficient ways – resulting in the non-realization of the full potential.
Suppose you consider Microsoft Office's Word, Excel, or PowerPoint tools -which almost everyone uses [ at least all those who have to use a computer] – and then ask how many of you are even aware and use most of the features given within these tools to save time, effort, energy, and cost and also create many grandiose results [chances are even their makers won't be using all of the features they have created].
Today few of the game-changing technologies – which even a lay-person can learn and use to maximize his/her productivity, effectiveness, efficiencies, cost-optimization, and excellence - like one of the Most Popular AI Tools today - ChatGPT/Google-Gemini] or the benefits and potential of AR/VR/ER, IoT, etc.
Read my blog 33 technologies to overcome challenges and achieve unprecedented success in your business & profession
When it comes to technology and its usage – there are 6 major categories of people - Inventors, Innovators, Trendsetters, Followers, Laggards & those who don't change and keep doing the same thing that they are used to.
Inventors create something completely new -while innovators improve, modify, or find new uses for existing technologies.
Innovators are the first to adopt new ideas - while trendsetters are those who discover the potential of an innovation very early and who adopt new ideas and influence the other categories of people to embrace and use this newer fad, fashion, or trend.
Innovators can also be trendsetters if their innovation starts a new trend with a significant mass following their ideas.
Early adopter are those individuals or businesses who can foresee the benefits and risks and go ahead and use a new product, innovation, or technology before others– they have adequate domain knowledge to identify advantages early of using a new technology.
Many organizations rely on early adopters to provide feedback about product deficiencies and to cover the cost of the product's research and development.
Although early adopters in the business world face a high level of risk in that they are using a product or technology that is full of bugs and is not exactly perfected.
The laggards may struggle to adjust as they may find it difficult to keep pace with the new technologies and might be scared to try them and feel a sense of control using their old methods.
But laggards too play one of the most important parts in the economics of any new technology business-wise - as when they start using it the market expands exponentially.
One of the reasons which limits people going for learning most of the ways a tool can be used – is that - they don't need advanced features, maybe what is being expected from them and their roles - gets fulfilled by the basic features.
The power and possibilities of the internet and various social and professional media platforms are still unfolding before us.
The corona brought us from being basic users to using various advanced tools to even work from home and manage many things from remote locations.
Now the situation is if you don't update and upgrade and use the latest technologies to their full potential – you – whether it is your organization, business, or your job or even in social aspect – you will be left behind and once you are behind you may not be able to catch up with the world.
None of us have any choice when it comes to learning-unlearning-relearning the latest technologies and now plus keep updating on continuous and regular basis from the best.
Many of these technologies have made yesterday's jobs as well as qualifications -redundant and extinct.
Now the question comes -how to learn and from where to learn – well because all these technologies are evolving.
You can start anywhere by getting the tool and start using it anyway you are able to – Slowly you will become an expert by practicing it in your own domain area.
Experimenting and innovativeness with an intent to disrupt the world or create a new future would make you learn any technology at the ground level faster and very effectively.
The best part about the latest technologies is that now AI and natural language programming has made the dependence of having a good background in mathematics, statistics, science especially physics and related subjects. Which was a must for earlier technologies.
Of course, the importance of STEM's knowledge, education and qualifications can never be undermined.
72 actions to leverage the most relevant technologies to their fullest potential and to become a great business leader as well as a technical expert
All these tips are given randomly AND few of them may seem like duplicates [a couple of the tips might be BUT even a seemingly similar tip has a different angle attached]
1. Identify, do research, and find out – what technology leapfrogging you can do to create 1st mover or category-leader advantage of having a most attractive value proposition – as an individual and as a business entity [how to leapfrog technologically is my next week's blog topic]
2. There is no limit to how you can implement tech into your daily life - the only self-imposed limitation is finding and learning how to use what is available - whether at your workplace or home, to make things quicker, easier, more automated, and more efficient
3. Choose an area to specialize in -Get the certificate and necessary qualifications -get exposure real-time in to projects supporting emerging trends
4. Educate your target audience/user/customers through creating – do-it-yourself videos, blogs
5. Find out how many additional ways any new tool/technology you are trying out -can be used to save time as well as make the outputs more accurate
6. Find different ways to make it user-friendly – to make even people who are not very well educated can use the important features easily - make it user friendly
7. Practice and practice to master all the possible usage of any new technology and tool you are adopting
8. Network with other professionals to update and upgrade your knowledge continuously
9. Promote your expertise by showcasing it through publishing and participating in different industry-specific conferences, seminars, forums, and research papers
10. Validate all newer usage you have discovered – by extensively using it under different parameters – you can also solicit help through crowdsourcing the validation and use
11. Stay up-to-date with the latest technology – by - reading about the newer trends in your own field as well as in other technical breakthroughs in the world – choose the most credible, most reputable, and most respected experts' opinions on reputable websites and other online platforms that provide in-depth coverage of the latest tech industry developments
12. Stay updated with the latest by attending industry conferences and tech events
13. Work with or work in a technology-savvy and new technology adopter organization
14. Enroll established professionals with exceptional – exposure, experience, expertise, and knowledge in that specific domain area – as mentors
15. Create interest in using technology by being a lifelong learner – make your own knowledge obsolete by updating yourself continuously
16. Also find opportunities to use the new technology and tools in your everyday tasks
17. Proactively get exposure to global best practices and experiences
18. Hire people who have proven talent, experience, expertise, and are mavericks – use reverse mentoring to learn from these individuals
19. Follow industry leaders and influencers on professional and social media
20. Learn about emerging trends and technologies through webinars and online courses -Attend trade shows, workshops etc.
21. Listen to tech podcasts that talk about relevant tech skills
22. Teach and share your ideas that can add value to others
23. Use various available tools like – AR/VR/ER, Gamification, Digital Storytelling, Digital Simulations, Podcasting and various automation, Robotic, And AI Tools – wherever possible or find out how you can use them later and what customization is needed
24. Learn how to interpret, and analyze the massive amount of big-data – to find a newer trend or to discover any flaws25. Learn how to meaningful use the identified GIST
26. Learn the smart way of using any new technology tool – by learning the shortcuts, hints, and tricks to improve your efficiency, quality of outcomes, speed of execution, and convenience along with accuracy
27. Go for self-guided learning through various technology-enabled learning platforms and courses like MOOC – mass open online courses28. Polish your digital media literacy to the levels of global masters and world-class experts
29. Develop your own interpretation solutions and opinions -behind various global and local issues
30. Think about how the technology aligns with your goals and priorities, and what advantages it might offer - like increased productivity, cost savings, speedy delivery, improved effectiveness & efficiencies.
31. Besides identifying the advantages and benefits of any new technologies available – you also must do due diligence about )The potential unforeseen and probable factors risks)The worst-case scenario is if the benefits that you are expecting turn out into disaster – maybe financially or otherwise) Investing in technology early to find it getting replaced with a better technology before you can reap the benefits
32. Identify which of the repetitious tasks can be automated using the available technologies
33. Study how other successful companies are using technology can give you insight into implementing new tech in your workplace
34. Avoid fads even the most revolutionary product isn't necessary if it doesn't serve a purpose in your workplace
35. Evaluate your current technology stack - conduct a technology gap analysis
36. Invest in training and education adequately - foster a culture of innovation
37. As a CEO take the driver's seat in technological transformation - invest mindfully, with a strict eye on value demonstrate the ROI
38. Use pilot projects to prove or improvise the advantages and benefits of digital transformation and look for efficient and user-friendly tools
39. Involve stakeholders in your strategic planning exercise -simplify the process as far as possible -enlist the help of engaged employees
40. Help teams become more generally comfortable with change -gamify the upgrade process
41. Socialize online and in person -socialize with people online and in person to find colleagues who share similar interests – to clarify doubts or need help on any of your projects.
42. Present your work - speak at seminars or conferences – this can help you become more recognizable in your industry and find fantastic job opportunities.
43. Research current trends. To stay current on new technologies and findings in your field, try to research new trends -being a technical expert requires continual research so you can stay informed.
44. Practice your craft. Continue working to improve your technical skills. You might try volunteering or working on personal projects, such as programming an application, to practice your skills.
45. Use technology to boost your business by using – website & website analytics, video on YouTube, email marketing, mobile apps, social media management & link building
46. Sample list of new technologies – you may explore the possibilities by finding the most effective ways to use them - internet of things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (Ml), Cloud Computing, Generative-AI, AR/VR/ER/Metaverse, 3-D Printing, Robotic Process Automation RPA, Edge Computing, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Internet Of Things (IoT),5G and the emerging 7G/9G, Digital-Twins, On-Demand Video Learning, Big Data Analytics, Gamification – read my blog on latest technologies and how they are changing our lives
47. Tap into the power of collective intelligence especially crowdsourcing and crowd-seeding platforms to develop cross-cultural understanding while addressing global issues, synthesizing information from multiple cultures, and collaborating in global teams to responsibly build on existing knowledge as well as generating new knowledge
48. Harness the power of virtual simulation to understand global complexity and create solutions - through the use of virtual reality, games, and modeling applications that simulate real-world experiences through technology
49. Publish your own technical experience and audience through online publishing
50. Use technology to collect, mine, sift, and create pointers of the massive data that is available to you
51. Learn and teach others about using technology responsibly and ethically while respecting people's privacy and making it safe and secured
52. Train your mind to encourage it to think about what new technology can make the lives of a significant mass of people in the future
53. Understand the suitability of technologies on age-appropriate-ness use of any new technology – research what boundaries need to be put for certain age-category of people
54. Make sure you use the right technology – you should be able to discern which usage of a specific technology can be a blessing or which one could be used in harmful and damaging ways
55. Identify the correct automation tools – which will help you get better quality products and services at an optimal cost for the ultimate customer, employee, and other stakeholders' experience
56. There is a technological app or solution for many problems that we face – and can improve your quality of delivery, reduce the cost, and minimize the wastage BUT you will know this only after using the most relevant technology and tools in their most appropriate ways
57. Due diligence is needed to prevent you from using apps for the sake of using a new technology – which will create many more issues than reducing – as your productivity may go down, customer and employee complaints may increase along with a multitude of other problems
58. Create crustal clear goals use technology purposefully and keep it simple – why you want to use a particular app, tool or technology – what outcomes and objectives you would accomplish using this technology – is it a tried and tested one or a fad – and what are the disadvantages and cost and whether they outweigh heavily with the benefits they give
59. Considerations you need to keep in mind when going for new technology - ease of access, equal access, can a person with disabilities use this tool if they are part of your organization – does it violate any of the human rights and privacy needs
60. Start small- involve all the major stakeholder who are going to use this technology – get their concerns and create buy-in from them61. Include and use virtual manipulatives – for ideas check this portal -
62. Learn to identify appropriate gamification tool to solve relevant problems with a computer game
63. Use of technology can be especially beneficial for introverts, who may not be comfortable asking questions in front of the class.
64. Find a web page with content reflecting or related to your teaching/learning goal and then make the participant study, review and critique content to create notes, feedback and other edits.
65. Use online mind-maps and decision tree models to brainstorm
66. Allow every participant to create newer solutions and based on their own suggestions -create your team's own blog
67. Identify and give challenging projects to your team members by giving them open-ended projects -base assignments on technology-focused subjects
68. Introduce a game-based learning platform which has plenty of simulations
69. Enhance functionality expand the potential of your devices -adapt to evolving standards – enhance accessibility -compatibility with emerging standards
70. Once you have a more polished customer and employe value proposition - you also need to position your offering as the most desirable niche – differently the majority may not buy – till you can demonstrate through - data, case studies, and a compelling/concrete reason to buy your offer which also happen to have a competitive price and right channel to engage and distribute
71. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately-just keep working and improving through radical changes or major improvisation – if the idea gets traction
72. Overcoming resistance to change provides clear and concise information, the benefits of the new technology, and also full support and training
34 current uses of various technologies and tools – sample list – just to trigger ideas
1. Secure online transactions through technology like Biometric Authentication, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Tokenization, Encrypted Communication, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Regular Software Updates, Educating Yourself About Phishing Scams
2. Customized shopping experience through streamlined online ordering system, order tracking and reordering, delivery tracking
3. Smart marketplace – whether to sell or buy – used or new
4. Resource optimization
5. Enhanced quality of life through smart infrastructure
6. Teaching to a global audience
7. Virtual augmented real-life-like experience of any product or service
8. Run a virtual field trip and also preview field trips virtually to get feedback
9. Using technology to teach complex concepts in an applied way of any scientific concept
10. FACT-CHECKING to beat the FAKE-news
11. Protection from scammers and fraudsters – although this can go both ways
12. Check this link for school students -
13. Use Technology To Create Adaptive Content With Multimedia, Videos And Podcasts Whenever Applicable Include Images, Graphs, Pictographs, Podcast Clips, Sound Effects, News, Movie And Clips etc.
14. To Effectively Expose Your Participants To New Ideas
15. To develop new treatments and medicines, and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery systems 16. To improve access to education, and create new ways of teaching and learning
17. To develop cleaner energy sources, more efficient transportation systems, and new ways to manage waste and reduce pollution
18. To communicate with people worldwide through many effective technology tools and channels
19. To Make Fantastic UX [User Experiences] & CX [Customer Experiences] & EX [Employee Experiences]
20. To enhance the convenience and effectiveness of creating meaningful engagement with your customers and employees
21. Enhance connections by communicating regularly and effectively through the latest video conferencing tools
22. Tracking software to monitor and take corrective actions immediately – say in case of accidents, disasters etc.
23. To ensure safety and security – in multiple ways for women, children, and elders
24. To create meaningful engagement with customers and employees
25. To create future products and services
26. To improve quality of life in numerous ways
27. To find solutions for various challenges faced by mankind
28. To respond to exigencies faster and in a methodical manner
29. By using technology to improve treatment reduce pain and improve patient care
30. To mine data, analyze and interpret data faster and in more unimaginable ways
31. To make better agricultural, planting, irrigating, and harvesting solutions - to Create disease and pest-resistant crops and crops that can grow with little water
32. To reduce wastage
33. To create newer jobs 3
34. To save water and save energy
#cuttingedgetechnologyadoption, #beingupdatedwithlatesttechnologytrends, #creatingcompetitiveadvantagethroughlatesttechnologyadaption, #becometechnologytrendsetter&leader, #technologytrends2024&beyond, #technologyadoptionforbusiness, #competitiveadvantagethroughtechnology, #leveragetechnologyforbusiness, #currenttechtoolsforbusinesses, #howtousetechnologyeffectively, #technologyforbusinessleaders, #fromtechnolgylaggardstrendsetter, #technologyforbusinesssuccess, #becometechsavvybusinessleader, #becomingatechnologyleader, #fromlaggardtoleaderintechnology
Meta Description
Feeling lost in today's tech world? Discover 72 actionable steps to leverage technology for maximum business impact and become an industry leader. Learn how to identify relevant tools, master current trends, and outrun the competition - all in one comprehensive guide!
Feeling lost in the tech world? Discover 72 actionable steps to transform from a technology laggard to a trendsetting leader. Learn how to leverage current tools, identify relevant trends, and unlock your business's full potential. From technology Laggard to Leader: 72 Actions to Become a Technology Trendsetter
72 Ways to Leverage Technology for Business Growth & Become a Trendsetter
Unlock Your Business Potential: Mastering Tech & Crushing the Competition
The New Business Imperative: How Embracing Tech Makes You a Trendsetter
Become a Technology Trendsetter: Essential Tools & Strategies for Business Leaders
Embrace Technology, Become a Leader: A Guide to Mastering Tech & Leading Your Industry
Powerful Tech Tools & Actions: Unleash Your Business Potential (Searchable List Included)
The Ultimate Guide to Tech Adoption: 72 Steps to Beat Your Competitors with Cutting-Edge Technologies
From Laggard to Leader: 72 Actions to Become a Tech Trendsetter (and Crush Your Competition)
72 Powerful Tech Hacks: Unleash Your Business Potential & Become a Trendsetter Today
From Laggard to Leader: 72 Hacks to Become a Technology Trendsetter (Today!)