27 dangers of too much empathy

24-dangers-of-toxicempathy-or-hyperempathy-hazards-of-being Why too much empathy is bad - Downside of empathy -Compassion-fatigue - Negative effects of too much empathy

In this article you will learn the following

-24 dangers of toxic-empathy or hyper-empathy - hazards of being an empath

-24 warning signs of an empath and whether you have compassion or empathy-fatigue

-27 techniques - how to manage toxic empathy - how to prevent and treat compassion fatigue how to overcome emotional overload when you are highly empathetic

Sympathy is feeling sorry and pity about other's sad moments and might mean crying together — but without any need to understand their condition.

Empathy is the ability to feel, imagine and identify what the other person is experiencing and knowing their emotions and thoughts.

Empathy is also about sharing your emotions from their perspectives and having a conversation from what others are feeling.

Empathy can give meaning to your life and your relationships- as it is an essential element for building intimacy.

Empathy is more about understanding - while sympathy is more about feeling.

Can empathy be dangerous - can empathy be bad - can too much empathy hurt you -does empathy have a dark and negative side - YES YES YES - to all of these.

Especially - When we try to use the tragedy of others to make our empty days fill with purpose and excitement.

24 dangers of toxic-empathy or hyper-empathy - hazards of being an empath

  • 1.Toxic empathy is when you absorb feelings and emotional-states of others in such a way that the resulting anxieties prevents you from doing the things you need to absolutely get done
  • 2.You become too much overwhelmed the problems of your close and loved-ones.
  • 3.You start feeling physically stressed while listening to someone complain about something in their life or the world
  • 4.This leaves you feeling drained and put you in very negative un-resourceful state -to take care of even your own pressing-issues and problems.
  • 5.Too much empathy or hyper-empathy or borderline empathy or being and empath - can create long-term as well as short-term stress, high fight-or-flight syndrome and even mild-inflammation
  • 6.Hyper-empathic persons get easily exploited and fall victims to gas-lighting and manipulation from narcissist
  • 7.An empath would frequently experience mental exhaustion and burnout.
  • 8.Too much empathy can make you sad, melancholic and emotionally-broke
  • 9.Hyper-empathic persons can even give away their salary, wealth possessions and money to outsiders at the cost of their loved-ones and may end up being broke and bankrupt
  • 10.Empaths feel guilty on seeing other people in distress and feel that they are somehow responsible for that person's troubles - it is called empathy-based guilt
  • 11.They may also have survivor guilt - where the person believes their happiness and success has come at the cost of unhappiness and failures of others.
  • 12.Because of their this wrong-beliefs -they also start thinking in their minds that they can relieve the sufferings of others by their sacrifices
  • 13.Empathy-based guilt can also be the trigger and root cause of major depression.
  • 14.People with too much empathy also display submissive behavior
  • 15.Studies show that mildly depressed people show the highest levels of empathy -the empathic reaction in depressed persons often leads to great distress because they unrealistically blame themselves for the pain felt by others
  • 16.People with too much empathy suffer with those who are suffering - needlessly
  • 17.People with too much empathy take less action and wallow more in the sorrows and sufferings
  • 18.Too much empathy can affect your moral decision-making and can lead to bias
  • 19.Too much empathy can make unscrupulous people read your mind and give then the power to know how to torture you to create harshest sufferings for you.
  • 20.Too much empathy can break relationships faster.
  • 21.Too much empathy exhausts and can create psychological issues for the caregivers
  • 22.Too much empathy can also make you angry, hateful and resentful and revengeful
  • 23.Too much empathy can create empathy guilt unnecessary altruism or martyrdom and victimhood
  • 24.Too much empathy can also cloud your judgment and can create misplaced loyalty

24 warning signs of an empath and whether you have compassion or empathy-fatigue

27 techniques on - how to manage toxic empathy - how to prevent and treat compassion fatigue how to overcome emotional overload when you are highly empathetic

  • 1.Identify if you're starting to feel burnout and experiencing empathy fatigue - identify the cause of your anxiety
  • 2.Practice separating other people's problems from your own assuming as if it is your responsibility to solve these
  • 3.Stop the problems of others from hijacking you mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, relationship-wise and socially
  • 4.Identify what types of emotional-mental and physical boundaries you need to ensure your wellbeing and enforce these assertively
  • 5.Understand that you are not required to take on the burdens of other people - even for your most loved ones you can shoulder only a limited stress
  • 6.Yes you have to do your utmost and optimum - who are totally dependent on you - because of their situation like very young children and very old parents
  • 7.Pay attention and notice what feelings comes up in you - when you learn about other's problems and then focus on relaxing your body by observing your reactions and then letting them go -they are not yours
  • 8.Identify the relationships - where certain people only seek you out to complain about their problems and seek your intervention - but these happens to be one-way track where you don't get equal opportunity to share your emotions
  • 9.Truly healthy relationship is all about sharing and almost equal give and take - but when only one side is getting their needs met - this is the situation and time to enforce your boundaries by communicating upfront about how you feel
  • 10.Seek the cooperation of the other person so that you can help them resolve their issues - if they are not ready to do anything - then limit your involvement as well
  • 11.Please understand that in relationship cannot cure only love can
  • 12.Make self-care part of your everyday routine
  • 13.Schedule meaningful activities - set realistic goals and expectations and practice flexibility when circumstances change
    Develop a sense of humor
    Create balance in your work and personal life
  • 14.Be objective empathy needs to be accompanied by the skill and discipline to stand back, judge objectively and act accordingly
  • 15.Don't struggle alone
  • 16.Examine your beliefs about self-care - practice self-compassion
  • 17.Understand that suffering and pain are a part of the human experience - although you do not always have control over them - you can always bounce back
  • 18.Focus on areas that you have control over - including your thoughts and feelings - rather than having unrealistic expectations about changing things which are beyond your control and influence
  • 19.Stop taking everything personally
  • 20.Understand that your 90 percent behaviors are habitual—you are only doing those because you have been doing them for age - you can always re-condition your brain to respond in a new way to the exact same stimuli and triggers
  • 21.Focus on the action part of compassion to delink your emotional system from others to not to feel - any pain when you witness it
  • 22.Create a practice of sending love to yourself, people you know and all those who are suffering [even if you might not know few of them]
  • 23.Take action- get involved - donate you time-efforts-energy - volunteer
  • 24.Balance your media consumption by seeking out stories of acts of kindness to lift your moods rather than watching horrible news-channels
  • 25.Connect with friends and family members
  • 26.Exercise regularly, sleep well and eat healthy
  • 27.Use being in nature as a therapy
  • 28.Use therapy in those situations that adversely affect you mentally and you are unable to cope effectively

#whatistoxicempathy, #dangersoftoxicempathy, #signsofcompassionfatigue, #dangersofbeinganempath, #warningsignsofhyperempath, #howtopreventemotionaloverload, #signsofempathyfatigue, #whenempathyisnegative, #canempathybedangerous, #cantoomuchempathyhurtyou, #sympathyandempathy, #lifeofanempath

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