Setting healthy boundaries in your relationships


​How to set healthy boundaries in all your all your relationships.

Setting Healthy Boundaries in Your All Relationships is important for your happiness, success, peace, prosperity, health, relationship & growth.

All of us have following relationships & more. If we do not set healthy boundaries, we cannot have healthy, meaningful & blissful relationships.


2.With All Business Stake Holders/Manufacturing-Vendor/Service-User/Customers





7.With Essential Professional Like Doctor/Lawyer/Accountant/Priest





12.Authority Figures/Very Powerful People/People with Fearful[like Dictators, Criminals, corrupt politicians, High Ranking Beurocrat , Police officers] Personalities & say Public

Type of violations that have impact on our wellbeing, self-esteem, our relationships, our success, our happiness, our peace of mind, our growth




4.Psychological or Emotional





9.Any Other in combination of above

Examples of Psychological/Emotional Violations & Abuse

1.Using what you told them in confidence to hurt you, to make you feel bad, to take advantage of you

2.Lying to you

3.Making false Promises with the knowledge that they are not going to keep

4.Criticizing you

5.Demeaning you, putting you down, insulting you

6.Blaming you for their faults

7.Projecting their lacunas on you

8.Manipulating you using your weaknesses

9.Blackmailing you into doing something you would not do

10.Judging you, comparing you

11.Making fun of you with the intention of hurting you

12.Playing victim, even though it you they are taking advantage of

13.Bullying you

14.Making you feel guilty or responsible for them, their conditions or a situation

15.Playing superior

16.Making excessive & unnecessary demand on your time, energy

17.Making you put your needs in the backstage, by continuous harping of their agenda & that their needs, wants, thoughts & beliefs are superior & more important to yours

18.Ignoring your major achievement & creating a sense in you that their everyday act is huge accomplishments

Examples of Physical Violation

1.Touching you inappropriately, without your permission especially sexually

2.Sexual references, gestures & overtures

3.Using the things those are too personal without permission

4.Physical abuse & violence

5.Cheating with you [this can also come under psychological/mental/physical violations]

6.Denying you your rights [this can also come under psychological/mental/ physical violations]

Examples of Mental Violation

1.Suspicion & Doubting you

2.Violating your privacy by checking your mails, messages etc

3.Forcing you to follow their orders

4.Threatening, yelling, screaming for no reason, especially when they themselves are at fault

5.Name calling

6.Provoking you to react

Examples of Verbal Violation

1.Not allowing you to speak or be heard

2.Saying things that are derogatory behind your back

3.Creating negative impressions about your character & integrity through gossiping & spreading rumors


1.Identify all the relationships whether personal, romantic, professional or social, which are draining you physically, emotionally, mentally and in any other ways

2.Introspect whether you are not being a parasite to cross someone's boundaries & making others feel miserable

Few Basics about setting boundaries & YOUR BASIC RIGHTS, irrespective of the country you are in => This post has been taken from our other website

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