In this article you will learn about the following
-35+ reasons Why We Fall for Con Artists and when you get conned
-30 subtle and open Tricks, gestures and cues Con-Artists and Tricksters uses to Gain Your Trust to cheat you
-30 signs that tells you that you are in relationship with a wrong man or woman [I have used He/His/man but it is meant for both men and women]
-60 Most common everyday cons, scams, frauds and cheating
Many of us believe that we are too smart to EVER fall victim to scams and get cheated AND that those people who become victims are foolish, ignorant, greedy and all of these.
We may also believe that if and when it is happening to us - we will be able to spot such manipulations a mile away.
But contrary to your beliefs perceptions and this self-image - you may discover [if you can look objectively] that most of you had gone for a nice little-ride in one way or another - could be in a small con.
If you have ever been scammed - it doesn't prove that you are stupid—it only means you were vulnerable at that time.
Scam artists play with your emotions and catch those who are going through times of extreme life change and emotional turbulence.
Our ability and capacity to trust not only make us successful but it also makes us vulnerable to negativities - simply Because it overrides our natural 6th sense to dangers and our subconscious bullshit detector.
In last few years - It was shocking to see - very senior authority figures [in the administration, judiciary and executive etc.] and people with qualifications from IITs and IIMs [along with few celebrities like famous authors and sport and film personalities and businessmen] toeing the lines of criminal political manipulating master-minds.
It was very difficult to digest that these so called supposedly very intelligent and most powerful influencers - accepting and promoting - what is not only unscientific and moronic but is destructive and damaging to the wellbeing, health, safety, security and the economy of the people and the country.
Then I learned - that many of these people are honey-trapped and are blackmailed through various powerful coercing, suppressing and pressurizing techniques and forced to do what their masters wishes them to do.
This is another way exploitation happens to the powerful people.
No one is immune to falling prey to some of these brilliant schemers.
Off-course many of these powerful-people - are naturally vile-people - who are doing this cheerfully.
This article is about - how the con-artists, scammers and fraudsters - cheat many gullible and honest people.
35+ reasons Why We Fall for Con Artists and when you get conned
- 1.You have the following greed
- I.You want to get rich quick
- II.You want your investment to get quadrupled in 6 months
- III.You want to get that qualification or degree without studying
- IV.You want to look like that movie star
- V.You want to have a body like that famous personality
- VI.You want to go from 110 kgs to 60 kgs instantly
- VII.You want to have fair skin
- 2.You are emotionally-mentally-physically-financially insecure
- 3.You are submissive
- 4.You can't say No
- 5.You are lazy and only day-dream sitting on couch
- 6.You get attracted to anything glamourous
- 7.You lose your resolve in front of anyone looking authoritative, strikingly-beautiful or have any celebrity status
- 8.You have lost your job
- 9.You are very-vey stressed and can't think straight and evaluate the pros and cons of any offer or suggestions
- 10. You have lost your loved ones
- 11. You have blown-up your financial nest
- 12. You have gone through a trauma
- 13. You are lonely
- 14. You are elder living alone depending on others
- 15. Or even when you are feeling at the top of the world
- 16. You have don't care about money honey attitude
- 17. You have had a nasty breakup and you are on rebound You are living in a state of fear
- 18. You are in a exuberating happy mood
- 19. You are in the transition phase after an intense period of
- 20. You think of yourself as extraordinary bright intelligent and smart
- 21. You are a believer of miracle
- 22. You are going through very bad phase in life
- 23. You have just been diagnosed with a serious illness
- 24. You think there are Godmen - who can change your life
- 25. You are a sucker for flashy things
- 26. When you don't want to go through the long-route of basic fundamental laws of success, happiness, wealth and health
- 27. When you are separated from reality and have wild-fairytale dreams - which never happens
- 28. When you believe in the advertisements and what politicians and what the religious celebrities say
- 29. You have fantasies which does not have basis
- 30. When you accept too good to be true schemes at their face value without questioning or seeking other knowledgeable and practical people's opinion
- 31. You take fast decisions and actions on things your inner-voice is cautioning you about
- 32. You go with your heart and ignore using your brain
- 33. You want to believe their lies
- 34. You want whatever they are claiming to be true
- 35. You want to believe in irrational and ridiculous and abnormal
30 subtle and open Tricks gestures and cues Con-Artists and Tricksters uses to Gain Your Trust to cheat you
- 1.They start knowing your vulnerabilities, weaknesses and sore-points
- 2.They connect with your unrealistic wants
- 3.Your mental-emotional equilibrium is disturbed and because you are not grounded
- 4.They learn out about your explicit and implicit desires
- 5.They appeal to your irrational dreams-fantasies-desires
- 6.They make you tell everything but don't answer your questions
- 7.They answer your questions with questions of their own which again taps into your core desires and greed
- 8.They are great listeners - they listen to understand you better than you yourself do
- 9.They also can read your mind and emotions very quickly
- 10. They make you feel good to hook you and sink their fangs in you deeper and deeper
- 11. They use familiarity by using your name frequently and past incident or an event [which you don't remember] BUT which you find hard to question or challenge
- 12. They mirror your tone and posture and use other body-language cues to make you feel comfortable and drop your guard
- 13. To gain your trust they show their own [manufactured] - vulnerabilities, weaknesses, fears, anxieties and flaws - to come out as a normal person
- 14. They are great story-tellers
- 15. They can fabricating newer stories instantly - when they see you getting sucked
- 16. They also weave their web around your social contacts - so as to make you feel that this person is known to other people known to you
- 17. They drop names of influential person's subtly - which you can't verify - to create their credibility
- 18. They let you win by making you taste the reward that you may receive
- 19. They drop information they know you can't verify
- 20. They try to get you taste the glamour and the riches
- 21. They create urgency so as to make you take action on your impulses
- 22. They make this urgency sound so exciting or so unpassable to you
- 23. They ensure that they are groomed, dressed and have all the essential goodies - to project the image that they want you to see
- 24. Their biggest weapon in case you have caught their cheating - is your embarrassment of being known as a victim of a fraud
- 25. They tell you that they are giving you the chance - this should the red-alert - and actually people should question why he is not giving this to his own friends and relatives
- 26. They practice and practice to become so good - so as to make you doubt yourself - in case you start questioning their motives and honesty and sincerity
- 27. They are very patience - especially if you are a big catch
- 28. They have perfected the most powerful tactics on making friend and influencing people
- 29. They create the impression of being very nice person who is only trying to help you
- 30. Contrary to popular beliefs Pathological liars are not generally good con artists - as their lies get detected easily
30 signs that tells you that you are in relationship with a wrong man or woman [I have used He/His/man but it is meant for both men and women]
- 1.When your instincts are telling you something is not right - although you can't put a finger to the right reason
- 2.If you pay attention - you may discover series of Conflicting answers and stories that they have shared with you
- 3.You hear them brag about money that you never see and they make you spend
- 4.If you hear a man talking about how he went to the expensive places - but he makes you spend all the time- he is exploiting you
- 5.If you are a sucker for flashy things -he may even rent a luxury car or borrow one from his friends to deceive you
- 6.They like to blow their trumpet on a regular basis - even when you have already fallen for them and they don't have a need to impress you using tis tool
- 7.You know very little about him and You won't be able to verify his affiliations, his credentials or his connections and heritage
- 8.They may disappear claiming that they were on a very important business trip
- 9.You may get the feeling of his being a gold-digger
- 10. He may call, email and text you throughout the day and night.
- 11. He may send you cards and flowers and trinkets.
- 12. He talks about love, intimacy and commitment early on.
- 13. He asks you questions about your financial status subtly
- 14. His answers to your questions are evasive and sketchy and he constantly has excuses for everything.
- 15. He is hard to reach by phone when he makes disappearing act
- 16. He tells you that he is planning to relocate to an area near you.
- 17. He's arrogant, unpredictable and unreliable
- 18. He exaggerates by twisting the truth even when he doesn't need to
- 19. You feel that He's emotionally unavailable
- 20. Your conversations with him are superficial and disheartening
- 21. When you try to have a meaningful conversation with him - you may find him aloof
- 22. He's indifferent to your needs -He doesn't show an interest in your activities or ask you for your opinion.
- 23. He's sexually motivated. Your relationship with him is driven by hot sex.
- 24. You feel like something is going on in the background but you're afraid to question him as it may push him away.
- 25. He controls your time together. He chooses when and where you will see each other.
- 26. He openly flirts with women - He makes sexual remarks about other women
- 27. He's noncommittal.
- 28. He's shuns responsibility - Nothing is ever his fault. He blames his exes for his failed relationships.
- 29. He blames everyone and everything for his misfortunes and problems in life. He blames you for his hurtful behavior.
- 30. He's handsome, charming and a smooth talker
60+ most common everyday cons, scams, frauds and cheating
- 1.When you see ridiculous amount of advertisement - which is not verifiable - every day
- 2.Is they are trying to sell you something that you don't need or it cannot or doesn't do what it says - it is a con
- 3.Political conning - this is by far the biggest in India - you advertisement of such accomplishments in the newspapers and billboards - when nothing is true on the ground level - but still majority buys these cons
- 4.The lottery scammers
- 5.The marriage scammers
- 6.The job scammers
- 7.The beauty scammers
- 8.The health scammers
- 9.The relief to all your problems overnight scammers
- 10. The future predictors & correctors
- 11. The latest bitcoin scammers
- 12. The get rich quick scammers
- 13. The internet work 2 hours using this formula & earn life-long scams - like content writing
- 14. Making any one fall in love with you technique sellers
- 15. Real-estate scams
- 16. Psychic scam
- 17. Astrology-numerology-future scams
- 18. Education - Degree awarding scams
- 19. Spiritual scams
- 20. Religion cult scams
- 21. Guru-Baba scams
- 22. Debt collection , Debt settlement and debt relief scams
- 23. Foreclosure relief or mortgage loan modification scams
- 24. Mortgage closing scams
- 25. Census-Related Frauds
- 26. Government Grant Scams
- 27. Ponzi Schemes
- 28. Charity and Disaster Fraud Scammers impersonate genuine charities and ask for donations
- 29. Counterfeit Prescription Drugs
- 30. Credit Card Fraud
- 31. Fraudulent Cosmetics and "Anti-Aging" Products
- 32. Health Care Fraud
- 33. Holiday Scams
- 34. Identity Theft
- 35. Ransomware
- 36. Threats & extortion
- 37. Stealing your identity
- 38. Unexpected money
- 39. Unexpected winnings
- 40. Arranging COVID vaccine or fake face masks, supplements, anti-virus kits and sanitizers bogus healthcare workers to offer RT-PCR testing
- 41. Investment scams
- 42. Pension scams
- 43. Scammers may contact you saying that they're calling from your bank or the police
- 44. Fraudulent payment has been spotted on your card warnings
- 45. Asking for your PIN number or ask you to key it into your phone.
- 46. Fake computer support calls
- 47. Lotteries / prize draws - especially if you haven't participated in the contest
- 48. Psychics and clairvoyants
- 49. Pyramid schemes
- 50. Phishing emails that try to trick you into revealing your bank details - they may direct you to copycat websites that look like your bank's website
- 51. Emails supposedly from a friend (whose email account has probably been hacked) who says they've been robbed abroad and asks you to send them money
- 52. inheritance – someone has left you money in a will and you have to send an administration fee to get the money
- 53. Miracle cures and medications from online pharmacies.
- 54. Doorstep scams - Bogus callers - strangers who say they need to use your phone because of an emergency
- 55. Fraudulent officials, such as gas or electricity meter readers – they may have fake uniforms and ID
- 56. Charity collectors
- 57. People doing market research.
- 58. Relationship scams
- 59. Finding out who's looked at your profile warnings
- 60. Messages from Mark Zuckerberg - man you would be the person if you really receive this type of email straight from him
- 61. The threat to delete your account warnings
#whywegetcheated, #whywefallpreytoconartists, #howTricksterscheatsus, #howcheaterscheat, #signsthatyouareinrelationwithconartists, #howpeoplegetdefrauded, #howscamshappens, #identifyandreventgettingconned, #commoneverydayconsscamsfrauds&cheating, #Psychologyofconartists, #howpeoplemanipulatesus, #frauds, #scams, #cheating, #howtoavoidgettingduped, #typesoffraudandconhappeningtoday, #tricksusedbycheats, #howtostopgettingexploited, #preventinggettingexploited