In this article you will learn the following
-30 unchallengeable reasons Why Mastering Art of asking powerful questions - is most essential - ignore it at your own loss
-33 tips to ask Meaningful Powerful Purposeful, meaningful, Challenging, positive thought-provoking questions - How you can start asking better questions
- Simple Flowchart - Using Issue-Tree - Decision-Tree - Hypothesis-Tree
Art of Asking-questions is one of the most important part of communication - and most ignored.
How Great Leaders Motivate, Inspire, Create Buy-in, Negotiate, Sell-ideas, Impress, Challenge, Convince - by asking right question of themselves and others.
To Learn, To Create Buy-in, To Understand, To Clarify, To Negotiate, To Sell, To Convince, To Impress - You Need to master art of asking great questions.
Not everyone knows how to ask good questions - and not everyone can put the requisite efforts it needs.
Sharpening and mastering this art - takes lots of practice - and genuineness of intent.
You can become better and better in Asking powerful questions - by fine-tuning your mindset and psyche.
Many people don't even realize the importance of this profound power-creating tool.
You may come across certified coaches - who go nowhere because all they use is the stereotyped questions they have been exposed to the set questions in their certification process.
Same is true of the counselors, consultants and pseudo-leaders.
30 unchallengeable reasons Why Mastering Art of asking powerful questions - is most essential - ignore it at your own loss
- 1.When you want to Convince others
- 2.When you want to Help others find their own solutions and answers
- 3.When you want to Help others grow
- 4.When you want to Learn about the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and drives
- 5.When you want to Negotiate better
- 6.When you want to Understand others
- 7.When you want to Understand yourself
- 8.When you want to Coach and mentor others powerfully
- 9.When you want to Find answers you don't have any clue
- 10.When you don't know what to say and yet want to contribute meaningfully
- 11.When you want to Trigger and catalyze creativity
- 12.When you want to create healthy discussions
- 13.When you want to learn
- 14.When you want to confuse others
- 15.When you want to stablish yourself as an expert
- 16.When you want to impress someone
- 17.If you want to be a great effective leader
- 18.When you want to counsel someone
- 19.When you want to divert attention
- 20.When you want to introspect and self-reflect
- 21.When you want to find solutions by exploring the realm of uncertainty - by using what-if this happens and then following it with what I need to do to make it happen
- 22.When want to ask for - help or favor
- 23.When to want clarification - like why you did not get the raise or get promoted
- 24.When you want to challenge - by drawing someone's attention to - say inappropriate behavior
- 25.When you want to build bond and intimacy and create wonderful relationship
- 26.When you want to ace your job interview
- 27.When you want to develop confidence
- 28.When want to clarify and find your purpose
- 29.When are selling
- 30.When you want to make a positive difference and want to leave a powerful self-churning questions which leads to action
33 tips to ask Meaningful powerful Purposeful, meaningful, Challenging, positive thought-provoking questions - How you can start asking better questions
- 1.Adopt a leadership mindset of helping others grow
- 2.Let go of your need to impress and to control people and to gain power through manipulation
- 3.Learn to design your questions - based on principal of Mckinsey's MECE concept of your questions satisfying the Mutually-Exclusive and Collectively-Exhaustive - framework which uses ideas, topics, issues, solutions - different buckets of independent silos without overlap
- I.Issue Tree - helpful for solving large and complex problems - It enables you to consider all options separately and exclusively and identify the best combination of possibilities. You break and split large complex problems into smaller, SMART solvable problems and issues as well as sub-issues - beginning from a clear problem statement - given below a sample way you can use this in any types of project
- II.Decision tree - A decision tree talks about the potential outcomes of shortlist decisions, outcomes, options, and scenario and is used to determine a course of action by weighing and narrowing down through comparative advantages and disadvantages of each decision and outcome.
- III.Hypothesis tree - is used to break-down a problem into all its components and elements - which makes identifying and solving it easier - it goes more into solution for each issue and going deeper in every subsequent levels
- IV.Fishbone Diagram - verify your hypothesis further
- 4.While interacting - create your question-bank focusing on what is the outcome you desire - as per the explanatory list below [create your custom-focus as per the situation you need to ask questions]
- I.If you want to get someone's wisdom - [mentioning an odd they have overcome] what is the greatest lesson you have learned from your ordeal that I can apply in my life
- II.If you want to know what type of learning they practice - ask simply - what you are reading now or what books they suggest you also read
- III.If you want to know someone's attitude - ask - what you do to bounce-back from set-backs and crisis or how you deal with failures or how you manage your stress or what role failures have played in your life
- IV.If you want their suggestions for something you are unable to do - ask - what I need to do to overcome my habit of ….
- V.What have you done that I should do - to seek what you can imbibe you be more effective
- VI. Asking How can I add value to you can show gratitude and your desire to add value to them
- 5.Keep your question simple and short
- 6.Create a set of questions in a very logical sequence - progressively leading to the outcome you desire - especially if you are coaching/counseling/mentoring/consulting or interviewing
- 7.Use curious, caring and empathic tone
- 8.Develop and Show genuine interest in others
- 9.Develop the habit of becoming happy with the success and happiness of others
- 10.Build rapport and credibility before you ask tough and challenging questions
- 11.Become a good observer of human expressions
- 12.Focus on adding value to others - by having deeper and meaningful conversation
- 13.Learn to connect and make your questions appealing to your subject
- 14.Even if appearing naïve and stupid - ask questions - to get what you are looking for
- 15.Respect cultural and other sensitivities
- 16.Identify what outcome you are looking for clearly
- 17.Note down questions - before any important meeting or event - go through and check if these questions can get you what you are looking for
- 18.Once you get what you are looking for - go for reconfirmation questions and follow-up questions
- 19.Never interrupt except only when it is going off the rails
- 20.Make your question - full of WHYs and supported with what, how, where, when and How
- 21.Develop correct state of mind - where you won't get upset with any change that you did not foresee
- 22.Be Direct and straight-forward - don't go round and round
- 23.Be sincere, Honest, caring and helpful
- 24.Never use art of questions to manipulate and trap
- 25.When you want to challenging yours as well as expert's assumptions
- 26.Become an attentive, empathic and responsive listener
- 27.Develop courage to ask what you want to know - don't let fear stops you from asking
- 28.Do homework and research thoroughly
- 29.Make your question clear - test if it is vague or confusing
- 30.Let the conversation flow
- 31.Use the conversation's flow to frame your next question
- 32.Ask questions and then give it time for someone to answer
- 33.Learn to reframe and rephrase your questions - if you are not getting the desired response
Simple Flowchart - Using Issue-Tree - Decision-Tree - Hypothesis-Tree
- 1.Write Problem statement [either given by client or the first thing which comes to your mind after hearing - -My startup is losing money
- 2.Rephrasing the Problem-statement How to make this venture profitable
- 3.List all the available Methods of doing that by increasing revenue and reducing cost
- 4.Then make exhaustive list -addressing each of the method with HOW how to increase revenue and How to reduce costs
- 5.Then make exhaustive list - by going for solution for each of the sub-sub-issues Increase the number of orders as well as the prices of items - Reduce overheads and salary-rental-raw material expenses
- 6.Shortlist the best options
- 7.Test your hypothesis
- 8.Identify the actions that can be done write now
- 9.Implement and Monitor
- 10.Improvise, course-correct and re-implement
#creatingbuy-in, #inspiringothers, #challengingothers, #howgreatleadersinspire, #decisiontree, #issuetree, #hypothesistree, #askingtoughquestions, #askingthoughtprovokingquestion, #askingmeaningfulquestions, #askingdifficultquestions, #MECE, #McKinseyMECE, #whymasteringartofaskingquestionisessential, #artofaskingquestion