15 real luxuries you need to acquire and focus on

15-real-luxuries-of-today-you-need-to-focuson-and-acquire Luxuries which you have to go need to have - these immutable luxuries can make your life truly fulfilling, blessed and blissful

In this article you will learn the following

-15 real luxuries of today - you need to focus-on and acquire

-10 Things we need to learn to value - to create luxuries that money can't buy

-19 Luxuries in the pre-social-media and pre-mobile and pre-internet days

- Progressive change in the definition of materialistic luxury

Most of the real luxuries are not those you can buy.

What you can indulge-in which is possible only because of wealth — in earlier stages of your life — can certainly give you sensual pleasures, boost your EGO, can make you feel proud.

But at much later stage when you have acquired real-wisdom — you would realize that all those which felt like real-luxuries were good but not the real-luxuries.

I have identified 15 luxuries which I feel is must for each one of us — irrespective of your social-financial-professional-political status.

15 real luxuries of today you need to focus-on and acquire

  • 1.Your being emotionally healthy
  • 2.Your being fully comfortable with who you are
  • 3.Your being mentally agile
  • 4.Your being physically fit
  • 5.Your being meaningfully engaged professionally
  • 6.Your having great quality relationships with all your important people
  • 7.Your loved ones being happy and growing
  • 8.Your living a life based on your passion
  • 9.Your learning, unlearning and relearning
  • 10.Your making contribution - which makes your loved ones grow the best they can in the area they are interested in
  • 11.Your making a positive difference to people around you
  • 12.Your leaving a legacy of powerful positive benchmarks
  • 13.Your standing for meaningful values
  • 14.Your lifting-up of people who can't do themselves
  • 15.Your experiencing the nature - the Himalayas, the sea, the desert, the birds, the sunshine, the rains

10 Things we need to learn to value - to create luxuries that money can't buy

  • 1.Your mental-emotional-physical-social-financial and relationship Health,
  • 2.What and How you Eat
  • 3.Your most trustable and bankable relationships & Your loved-ones
  • 4.Your wellbeing
  • 5.Quality and Type of people you have in your circle
  • 6.The habits that you have - including your habits of mind
  • 7.Your Money - where you spend, where you save and how you earn and invest
  • 8.Your time - are you using it most meaningfully
  • 9.Your commitment
  • 10.Your being respectable and honorable

Progressive change in the definition of materialistic luxury

  • 1.I came from an era - where owning a bicycle was a luxury
  • 2.Then owning telephone, television, refrigerator, home-theatre, video-player, scooter, car, computer became luxuries
  • 3.Then able to go on a cruise, traveling first class and staying in 5-star hotels and ability to do what you want and buy what you want became luxuries

19 Luxuries in the pre-social-media and pre-mobile and pre-internet days

  • 1.Spending summer holidays - with your cousins at your aunt and uncle's place
  • 2.And relatives coming to stay for weeks
  • 3.Travelling by train for 2-3 days in coal-engine driven trains
  • 4.Neighborhood female jointly making papad, pickle, potato-chips
  • 5.Mothers knitting woolen sweaters, socks and caps
  • 6.Sundays having a late leisurely home-cooked food - maybe by fathers
  • 7.Marriages would happen in the neighborhood with everyone sharing their rooms, linen and food - no hotels or caterers
  • 8.People jointly sharing festivals
  • 9.We will wait for the postman & post letters in the post-box
  • 10.We will write long letters by hand
  • 11.We will send telegram from telegraph office
  • 12.We will make national/domestic calls from the airports/telegraph centers
  • 13.We will go to school by walk
  • 14.We will have earthen pots for cool-water in summer
  • 15.We will climb trees and in summer move around outdoors
  • 16.When doctors would prescribe medicines and we will get better - no tests were prescribed
  • 17.When doctors used to come to house and we used to have family-doctors
  • 18.When we would exchange magazines and books
  • 19.When most of the cooking was done on coal 
#realluxuriesoflife, #luxuriesyouneedtoacquire, #thingsyouneedtovalue, #luxuriesbeforesocialmediainyernetmobile, #whichluxuriesmattersmost, #changesinthedefinitionofluxury, #thingsofrealvalueinlife
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